Learning HTML | HTML Paragraphs

Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011 | 1 komentar

Write any document would require paragraphs. Let us learn HTML tags that are used to create an HTML paragraph is  tags <p>. We use tag p> to create a new HTML paragraph.
When we use this tag, he will add an empty line above and below the paragraph text that we write. Blank lines are lines that indicate a HTML paragraph and separated paragraphs  from a other paragraphs.

And ... of course we must close our HTML paragraphs with a partner that tags </ p>.
Example HTML code:

<p> This is a example of a long and interesting paragraph,so that this sentence there is no content at all. <p>

You can also make the process of alignment on the paragraph that you make. It is very easy to do, namely by adding HTML align attribute. example tags below will make you the left-right paragraphs.

<p align="justify"> This is the paragraph flush right and left flat. </ p>

You can change the contents of the attributes align with said center to make a paragraph in the middle, left to the left, and right to flush right.

Learning HTML | HTML Link

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011 | 1 komentar

Easily. A link is an address that refers to a document or other addresses on the Internet. I think that actually is what eventually link the concept of actually making the web a very useful and eventually become very large as it is today.
People are very easy to refer to other references that are all available online. Was really a genius:).
So, learn well yes .

do not use this example ok, it loads already on the Internet. Yes link click clack where you play it is.

Hyperlinks, Anchors, and Links

In web terms, a hyperlink is a reference (an address) to other information sources in Internet.Hyperlink usually refers to an HTML page, an image, sound file, movie, dll.an anchor  is a term used to define the purpose of a hyperlink within a document.

So like this, the page address indicated by the hyperlink, whereas if the document exists in chapter 2, we can directly refer to chapter 2 above with the aid of an anchor.

To create hyperlinks and anchor us to use the HTML anchor element <a>.

In this tutorial, we will use the term HTML link element <a> when referring to a page and the term HTML anchor element <a> when it refers to an address in the document.

Create HTML Link

Syntax Link:
<a href="/ makingwebsite/url"> Text Link </ a>

Opening tag contains the attributes of the link. The element content (text link) to define what you want to show to visitors.

Note: The contents of a text element should not know. You could also link from an image or any other HTML element.

href attribute

Href attribute is the address that will be opened when someone clicks a link that we created.

<a href="http://learndesignweb.blogspot.com/"> Want to learning make web while Practices Click here ONLY! </ a>

The code will be displayed like this. I'll try clicking feel. :)

Want to learning make web while Practices Click here ONLY! 

target attribute

Target attribute is very useful for us to set the page we want to go where it will be opened.

We can open it on the main page is a direct or open it in a new page when a visitor clicks on a link that we provide.

Unlike the previous code that opens a learndesignweb.blogspot.com website in the same window, this code will open a learndesignweb.blogspot.com website in a new window:

<a href = "http://learndesignweb.blogspot.com/" target = "_blank"> Want to learning make web while Practices Click here ONLY! </ a>

click on the link below let me know the difference:

Want to learning make web while Practices Click here ONLY!

attribute name

When we use the name attribute, then that means we define a named anchor inside an HTML page. Anchor name will not appear in the eyes of visitors. That's just a definition in a web page wrote.

How to create an anchor:
<a name="label"> Whatever </ a>
Well, the link to the page it cute this:

<a href="#label"> Whatever </ a>

Note that a # define named anchor


An anchor in HTML document:

<a name="top"> This is the top </ a>

A link that refers to the very top in the same document:

<a href="#top"> Return to top </ a>

A link that led to an anchor on another web page:

<a href="http://learndesignweb.blogspot.com/mambo/exemple.htm#top">
Return to main page top </ a>

ah, if you want to see how an anchor link works, click here to go to the top of this page.

Important notes and tips that will certainly be useful for you

Remember to always add a slash at the end of our sub-folder links.

If we link looks like this:

href = "http://learndesignweb.blogspot.com/",

then you will make 2 pieces of http requests to the server, because the server will add slashes and made ​​the address that we asked was to be like this:
Untuk menebalkan huruf seperti kata tebal ini, kamu memerlukan tag <b> dan </b> Nah, coba pikirkan, bagaimana menuliskan bari sederhana ini tanpa entitas karakter. Ndak bisa kan? Misalnya kamu menulis seperti ini:
href = "http://learndesignweb.blogspot.com/mambo/"

Well, by adding a slash at the end of sub-folders, we have to save resources on the server.

You can use the anchor to create a table of contents at the beginning of a long document.If your browser can not find an anchor that we specify, it will automatically go to the top of the document. Without error.
Well, it is a matter of learning HTML link.

Learning HTML | HTML characters entities

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Once we have learned previously about attributes HTML, now we will be learning to how to display the special characters in HTML.
Some special characters such as characters <, have special meaning in HTML (as a sign of HTML tags), so you will not be able to use it as a text in terms of direct written as <in your HTML code.
To display a smaller sign (<) in HTML, you need to learn about HTML Character Entities.

character entities

Some characters have special meaning in HTML, such as a smaller sign (<) that defines the beginning of an HTML tags. If we want the browser to display the smaller sign (<), we must insert character entities in our HTML code.
Character entities has three components: a sign and (&), entity name or a # followed by the entity number and end with a semicolon (;).

To display a smaller sign in the HTML page, then we must write: &lt, or &#60;
The advantage of using a name than a number is that the name easier to remember. The drawback is that not all browsers support the names of the new entity, however, almost all browsers support the standard entity name.
Note: the entities are case sensitive.

Spaces sequentially

Character entities that may be most often you are wearing is white space.
HTML will eliminate the spaces in your HTML text. If you write 10 spaces in your HTML code, then the HTML will remove 9 spaces. Well, to add space to your HTML document, use the character entities

Some character entities that are often used:
Results Explanation entities Name entities Number
Spaces &nbsp; &#160;
< less than &lt; &#60;
>  more than &gt; &#62;
" quotes &quot; &#34;
single quotation
&apos; (does not apply in IE) &#39;
& And &amp; &#38;

Some of the comments that have requested that this tutorial is coupled with an example for clarity. Well, here are examples to clarify what is meant by character entities.

His case is very easy anyway. We do already know, if it uses the name HTML tag, right? One example is the tag to bold letters.

Now imagine if one day you're asked to write a tutorial  HTML and happen to be writing about the HTML tag that works to menebelkan letters. For example, you want the following lines appear in the tutorial you (note, you want to tag and appear in that line).

To thicken bold letters as the word is, you need <b> tag and </ b>

Well, think about, how to write this simple bari without character entities. Can not? For example, you write like this:

To thicken the letters as the word <b> bold </ b>,
     you need tag <b>  and </ b>

What happened? The browser will display the following sentence:

To thicken bold letters as the word is, you need a tag and

What's the difference? Yes ... <b> tag and </ b> does not appear, instead, the word and will appear in bold. To make the tag <b> and </ b> may appear, you need character entities, so you have to write HTML code like this:

To thicken the letters as the word <b> bold </ b>,
     you need &lt;b&gt; and &lt;/b&gt;

Note, the sign <I replace with character entities &lt, while a> I replace with &gt;.

Lhah ... tuh add more questions in the comments. Gini question, continue our way of showing how dunks &gt let that out instead of>.

Easy wrote, we can use the &amp in front of it to escape the & sign, so you can write like this &amp; &gt; (no space between &amp; and &gt;.. I had to write use spaces, since it is unlikely I will leave no spaces. )

Easy right? Ok, hopefully this example can increase your understanding of what is meant by this character entities.

Well, you've pretty much learning HTML now. So, do not forget to come back to learndesignweb.blogspot.com place where the best tutorials available for free.

HTML attributes

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Having previously we learn about HTML tags we now try to look at other extra capabilities HTML tags. This additional capability is obtained through the use  HTML tag attributes. Attribute allows additional information on HTML elements.

HTML Tag Attributes

HTML tags can have attributes. Attribute allows additional information on HTML elements.
Attributes always have a name / value pairs like this: name = "value".
Attributes are always specified at the beginning of an HTML element tags.

Example Attribute 1:

<h1> defining beginning of a title.
<h1 align="center"> have additional information about alignment line.

Example Attribute  2:

<body> defining body / content of an HTML page kit.
<body bgcolor="red"> will make the screen a red background.

Example Attribute  3:
<table> defining an HTML table (we later learn more).
<table border="1"> has additional information about the thickness of the lines on the chart.

Always use quotes in Attribute Value

Attribute value should always be enclosed in quotation marks. Double quotes most often used, but also single quotes actually be ko.

In some situations tertantu extremely rare, such as for example when the attribute value itself contains quotes, then you can use single quotes.

Examples like this:

name = 'world' learning HTML 'virtual'

Good luck with the HTML tag attributes.

basic HTML

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The most important HTML tags are tags that defining headings, paragraphs and line breaks.

Like most other programming languages​​, then the best way to learning HTML is to a lot of practice. Exercise of course requires a tool. Well, basically you can make an HTML file using notepad, but of course a lot of software to write to many facilities that make it easy. Googling wrote or search at download.com with keywords HTML Editor.

The title tag is defined by using <h1> to> h6>. <h1> letter defining the title of the largest, and smallest <h6>. For this exercise you try to make the following HTML file and note the results.

<h1> This title </ h1>
<h2> This Title</ h2>
<h3> This title </ h3>
<h4> This title </ h4>
<h5> This title </ h5>
<h6> This title </ h6>

HTML automatically adds an empty line before and after the title.


Paragraphs are defined by using tags <p>.

<p> This is a paragraph </ p>
<p>This other paragraph </ p>

Just like title, HTML automatically adds an empty line before and after paragraphs.

Don't forget closing tag

You must have been Seeing that paragraphs can be written without the closing tag </ p> like this:

<p> This is a paragraph
<p> This is another paragraph
Just an example can be used on almost any browser, but it should not have relied. HTML versions in the future I think will not allow you to skip the closing tag.

Replace line

<br> Tag used when you want to create a new line, but have not wanted to change the paragraph. <br> Tag will create a new line for you wherever you put that tag.

Closing all HTML elements with closing tags is a powerful way to write HTML that is compatible with browsers semeua and future development. It also makes our code easier to understand (both read and in the browse).

<p> This is a pa <br> <br> ragaraf with line breaks </ p>

Tag is an empty tag. Well, that's why she did not have closing tags such as , because so not sense.

<br> or <br />

You'll more often see writing <br> tag this way: <br />

Since the tag has no closing tag <br>, then the tag is violating one of the basic rules of writing HTML in the future (XML-based XHTML), in which all elements must be closed.

Write a line with the way this <br/> ensure that your HTML file will be compatible with XML and how to write HTML in the future.

Write comments in HTML

Comment tag is used to insert a comment in HTML source code. A comments be ignored by browsers. You can use comments to explain the code that you make, and of course this will help you when you need to make changes to your code sometime.
<!- This is a comment ->

Note that you need to write an exclamation mark after the opening parenthesis, but not before the lid brackets.

Remember the following things!
  •      Each HTML tag has a name element (body, h1, p, br)
  •      Opening tag is the name surrounded by square brackets: <h1>
  •      Closing tag is a slash and the name surrounded by angle brackets </ h1>
  •      The element content is between the opening tag and closing tag
  •      Some HTML elements have no content element
  •      Some HTML elements have no end tag

Some Useful Tips

When you write HTML text, you can never be sure how the text is displayed by other browsers. Some people have a larger monitor, and others. Text will be reset every time a visitor resizes the window. Never try to membantuk text that has blank lines or spaces close to the text.

HTML will remove the spaces in your text. However much space you wrote, it will be calculated one. One more, in HTML a new line counts as one space.

Using empty paragraphs <p> to insert blank lines is a habit that is not good. Use the tag <br> as his successor. (but do not also use the tag <br> to make the list. Wait till ya started lessons on the list).

HTML automatically adds an empty line before and after some elements, such as before and after paragraphs and title.

Basic HTML tags

These are important tags that will very often you are wearing. And you will study each in more detail, especially concerning its attributes.

Tag - Description

<html> - Defines an HTML document

<body> - Defining the main content

<h1> to <h6> - Defines title 1 to 6

<p> - Defines a paragraph

<br> - Insert a row

<hr> - Defines the horizontal line

<!--> - Make a comment

Cool right? This is not how, wait until you already can make tables, font color and appearance of many more variations that can be used to enhance your web pages.

Elements HTML | HTML Tutorial 2

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HTML elements, what it? Well, in Learning HTML ago, you've nyoba make your first HTML page and see how cute. Next you need to know about HTML elements and how to write it. You will need a basic definition is in the process of learning HTML that you did throughout the tutorial here. The importance of following instructions.

Remember these important instructions:

HTML documents are text files that consist of HTML elements. Well, the HTML element that is defined using so-called HTML tags.

The following points will help you remember and understand the sense of HTML tags:

  • HTML tags used to mark (mark-ups) HTML elements
  • HTML tags are in between the two characters <and>
  • Marker characters are called angle brackets
  • HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </ b>
  • The first tag is the opening tag, and the second tag is the closing tag
  • The text between these two tags is the element content
  • HTML tags are not case sensitive, <b> have the same meaning as <B>

HTML elements

Remember the HTML example from the previous page:

<title> Title Page </ title>
</ head>
This is my first page. <b> text is bold </ b>
</ body>
</ html>

This is an HTML element:
<b> text is bold </ b>

The HTML element starts with an opening tag: <b>

The contents of the HTML element is: This text is bold

The HTML element ends with a closing tag: </ b>

<b> Tag function is to define an HTML element that should be shown in bold.

Well, this is also an HTML element:

<body>This is my first page. <b> text is bold </ b></ body>

The HTML element starts with an opening tag <body>, and ends with a closing tag </ body>

The function of the tag <body> is to define the HTML element that contains the body (contents) of an HTML document.

Why do we use the tags in lowercase?
We have just said that HTML tags are not case sensitive: <B> have the same meaning as <b>. If you surf the Web, you will notice that many web sites use uppercase HTML tags in the source code. But in the example above, we use lowercase letters. Know why?

If you follow the latest web standards, you should always use lowercase tags. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommends the use of lowercase letters in their HTML 4 recommendation, and XHTML (the next generation of HTML) requires tag in lowercase.

Ok, you've just learning about HTML elements. And mustinya now you've got used to the term tag. If you do not familiarize themselves with this term, because in the process of learning HTML, you must be familiar with word tags.

Next, we will discuss some basic HTML TAG particularly interesting to change the look of paragraphs, headings, etc..

Learning HTML | HTML Tutorial 1

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Learning HTML free, easy and fun at learndesignweb.blogspot.com wrote. Well we started it. Learning HTML is the first process is generally done by the web programmers. Well after finishing with learning HTML, then you will have the ability to create static web pages. Next you'll want to make web page that has the ability to interact with the visitors are more intense. That's when you need to start learning PHP. After learning PHP then you can continue to learn MySQL to add your PHP skills.

I can briefly describe as follows. HTML is needed primarily to create a web interface, PHP adds capabilities for interaction with visitors and the ability to save data will be supported by MySQL. Complete has everything. But of course, web programming is not just limited to that. In addition to learning HTML, PHP and MySQL, of course you can learn another scripting language also will be more beautify your web interface and ease the process of web design you like CSS and Javascript. You might also need to increase your skills in creating web design  makers view a variety of applications such as Dreamweaver and FrontPage as well as learning image processing applications such as Fireworks and Adobe.

But for now we will concentrate on the material learning HTML which became basis all web programming.

I Need say here that even though you've mastered a variety of applications that simplify web design, but nonetheless in the end you will still need the ability to perform hands-on programming, aka manual to perform various tuning in your program.

Ready? OK, we'll start learning HTML.

introduction HTML

What is HTML file?

- HTML stands for Hyper Text markup Language

- An HTML file is a text file containing markup tags

- Tag markup tells the browser how to display a page

- HTML file must have the extension htm or html

- HTML file can be created using a plain text editor you use.

Want to Make?
Start by opening Notepad (on Windows XP for those who have never click on Start, Programs, Accessories, Notepad).
Type the following text:

<title> Title Page </ title>
</ Head>
This is my first page. <b> text is bold </ b>
</ Body>
</ Html>
Save with the name "mypage.htm" (do not forget to add double quotes in file name. If forgot the name of the file will use the default extension. Txt so that it becomes .htm.txt page).

Open your browser (eg Internet Explorer). Kilk File, Open, select Browse and locate the file that had mypage.htm you make. Click OK, and the browser will display the page that you created earlier.

Easy right? Or still confused? Ok, we'll see an explanation of the example above.
Each tag flanked by signs smaller and larger. You can see that the first tag is <html>. HTML tags are generally always have a partner who has the same tag with a little extra slash '/', and you can see a couple <html> at the end of the script tag ie </ html>.

<html> Tag tells the browser that this is the beginning of the HTML document. Mate ie tag </ html> states that this is the end of the HTML document.

Text between <head> and </ head> is the text of the header information. Header information is not displayed on the browser window.

The text between the title documents <title> you. This title will be displayed in the caption the browser (see at the very top right corner of your browser).

<body> Text between the tags is the text to be displayed in your browser window.
And lastly, the text between <b> and </ b> will be shown in bold.

Well, with this description you should have already started to nod and feel, was easy learning HTML well:). Hopefully.

Now we'll see about ekstensionnya. As already presented in the beginning, we can create an HTML file with two extensions of. Htm and. Html. Well extension. Htm is intended for operating systems earlier times which only supports 3-letter extension. While the extension. Html it would be safe to use if the OS and application support as more clearly shown that this is an HTML file.

For the record, each time you make changes to your HTML file, then you have to refresh the browser to see the changes in appearance.

Ok, HTML tutorial quite introductory session, we will proceed to the next level of HTML elements.

Check back soon for new tutorials.
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