I can briefly describe as follows. HTML is needed primarily to create a web interface, PHP adds capabilities for interaction with visitors and the ability to save data will be supported by MySQL. Complete has everything. But of course, web programming is not just limited to that. In addition to learning HTML, PHP and MySQL, of course you can learn another scripting language also will be more beautify your web interface and ease the process of web design you like CSS and Javascript. You might also need to increase your skills in creating web design makers view a variety of applications such as Dreamweaver and FrontPage as well as learning image processing applications such as Fireworks and Adobe.
But for now we will concentrate on the material learning HTML which became basis all web programming.
I Need say here that even though you've mastered a variety of applications that simplify web design, but nonetheless in the end you will still need the ability to perform hands-on programming, aka manual to perform various tuning in your program.
Ready? OK, we'll start learning HTML.
introduction HTML
What is HTML file?
- HTML stands for Hyper Text markup Language
- An HTML file is a text file containing markup tags
- Tag markup tells the browser how to display a page
- HTML file must have the extension htm or html
- HTML file can be created using a plain text editor you use.
Want to Make?
Start by opening Notepad (on Windows XP for those who have never click on Start, Programs, Accessories, Notepad).
Type the following text:
<html>Save with the name "mypage.htm" (do not forget to add double quotes in file name. If forgot the name of the file will use the default extension. Txt so that it becomes .htm.txt page).
<title> Title Page </ title>
</ Head>
This is my first page. <b> text is bold </ b>
</ Body>
</ Html>
Open your browser (eg Internet Explorer). Kilk File, Open, select Browse and locate the file that had mypage.htm you make. Click OK, and the browser will display the page that you created earlier.
Easy right? Or still confused? Ok, we'll see an explanation of the example above.
Each tag flanked by signs smaller and larger. You can see that the first tag is <html>. HTML tags are generally always have a partner who has the same tag with a little extra slash '/', and you can see a couple <html> at the end of the script tag ie </ html>.
<html> Tag tells the browser that this is the beginning of the HTML document. Mate ie tag </ html> states that this is the end of the HTML document.
Text between <head> and </ head> is the text of the header information. Header information is not displayed on the browser window.
The text between the title documents <title> you. This title will be displayed in the caption the browser (see at the very top right corner of your browser).
<body> Text between the tags is the text to be displayed in your browser window.
And lastly, the text between <b> and </ b> will be shown in bold.
Well, with this description you should have already started to nod and feel, was easy learning HTML well:). Hopefully.
Now we'll see about ekstensionnya. As already presented in the beginning, we can create an HTML file with two extensions of. Htm and. Html. Well extension. Htm is intended for operating systems earlier times which only supports 3-letter extension. While the extension. Html it would be safe to use if the OS and application support as more clearly shown that this is an HTML file.
For the record, each time you make changes to your HTML file, then you have to refresh the browser to see the changes in appearance.
Ok, HTML tutorial quite introductory session, we will proceed to the next level of HTML elements.
Check back soon for new tutorials.
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